Here at ASAP Athletic Strength And Power, we've been studying the stats. We know that we have regular readers located throughout the world! The stats don't lie. We truly have a worldwide audience. Through emailings, and phone calls, we have heard from quite a few athletes and coaches. We are trying to provide the latest in training information through our regular posts and podcast features. We have recently added some new technology at our that will be unnoticed to you...but will greatly enhance ASAP.
One thing that we have discovered is that many of our readers did not realize that this site is actually a blog. That's right, Athletic Strength And Power is powering it's way through the blogosphere. Being a blog, we are very interested in getting feedback and comments from YOU. As you scroll down to the bottom of the posts, you'll see the word "COMMENTS". That's where we'd like to encourage YOU to leave a comment. You may wish to continue a thought...or add a point....or request more information...or disagree...or request that we do an article, or post on a particular subject area that appeals to you.... How about a podcast request? With our powerful information base and nationally known ASAP Advisory Board, we can generate top notch information for you.
We want to hear from you and what part of the world that you are from. I'm sure that all of us can benefit from the interaction and exchange of remember, Please Leave a Comment!!
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