One of the reasons that ASAP~Athletic Strength And Power has been so successful is the fact that Coach Ted Lambrinides has kept his facilities and staff on the cutting edge of the professional and technological advances in the fitness industry. The trainers at "The Workout" are all degreed, seeking to be the best at their profession. It's a winning combination that provides the trainees at "The Workout" with superior strength and conditioning development. This physical advancement can can propel an athlete to the next level!
Today's photos catch "Dr. Ted" in action as he has just returned from the Club Industry Fitness Exposition held at The McCormick Center in Chicago. Testing the latest equipment the New Nautilus One equipment line.....and the Lifefitness Summit Trainer 95Le. The Summit trainer was getting rave reviews and Lifefitness sales rep, Tom Profitt feels this piece will become very popular.