There's always plenty that you can do to jump start your training program. One way would be to get down to one of several of "The Workout" Training facilities. In Cincinnati, Ohio there's Hyde Park, Adam's Landing, Western Hills or in Northern Kentucky... The Workout @ Covington. Also, the Tampa, Florida location is very popular at The Athletic Performance Center where Scott Savor trains many high performance athletes.
Of course, there are plenty of coaches and trainees who don't live in proximity of of one of our training centers...yet still want the latest insights and opinions from the ASAP~Athletic Strength And Power network. Due to the technology of the internet, we get requests for information from all reaches of the world! Without a doubt, some of our more popular blogposts are those with the Ken Mannie influence. Coach Mannie, the Head Strength & Conditioning Coach of Michigan State University is on the ASAP Advisory Board.
Today's post features a pdf download from a recent POWERLINE segment that appeared in Coach & Athletic Director. We're sure you'll enjoy this one entitled "Strength Training's Bottom Lines."
While there are certainly enough
factors in physical improvement that
are out of our control (e.g., genetically-
based road blocks), there are
enough controllable variables for us
to corral and use to our benefit....... Ken Mannie
Check out Ken Mannie's "Short list of Manageable
Criteria for Success": Coach_&_Athletic_Director_pdf.
And be sure to check out the MSU Strength Clinic in East Lansing this February 1st.
All Rights Reserved Copyright 2007 blogpost by Ed Cicale