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Carlo Alvarez, Cincinnati St. Xavier's Strength and Conditioning Coach, could not have selected a more appropriate "master of ceremonies", when he picked Dr. Ken Leistner. The colorful and well spoken doctor, athlete, writer, coach and strength training enthusiast added an excellent dimension to the clinic. Coaches from all over the midwest were in attendance and Ken Leistner delivered.
Dr. Ken took a time-out after lunch for an ASAP strength training podcast. As usual, he proved to be entertaining and definitely has some Cincinnati favorites like Skyline Chili and Graeter's Ice Cream.
Just click on the ASAP Logo above.... or the photo of Dr. Ken to listen to the interview.
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Copyright 2008 Athletic Strength And Power
blogpost and podcast by Ed Cicale
Lead in Music: "Somebody" Glenn Frey/ Joe Walsh, Eagles; The Long Road Out of Eden