At last month's strength clinic at Bowling Green, we had a chance to take an in depth look at some of the interesting training tools at the Atomic Athletic exhibit booth. Thats where we ran into Roger LaPointe who actually hosted the clinic at BGSU. ASAP~Athletic Strength And Power provides today's podcast where Roger discusses some of his strength equipment.
Roger LaPointe is an avid weightlifter who has competed in Olympic style weightlifting for many years. Roger was previously the VP Sales and Marketing of Nebula Fitness Equipment, the International Sales Manager and Olympic Lifting Advisor for YORK Barbell as well as a commercial gym equipment consultant. Roger’s interviews of Norbert Schemansky have been published in World Weightlifting Magazine.
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Copyright 2008 Athletic Strength And Power
blogpost and podcast by Ed Cicale
Lead in Music: "Somebody" Glenn Frey/ Joe Walsh, Eagles; The Long Road Out of Eden