For over 25 years, Mike Shibinski has been working with top notch athletes at top notch programs. As a three sport athlete and football player at Cincinnati Elder High School, Mike learned the value of hard work and serious training. He honed his athletic skills playing college football for the Butler University (Indianapolis) Bulldogs. Soon after, Mike headed to Ohio State University to become a graduate assistant strength coach for the Buckeyes and a Master's Degree in the strength training and conditioning of athletes. He began his coaching career at Mansfield (Ohio) Malabar High School and before settling down at Cincinnati Princeton High School, he acquired state championship rings at the legendary Moeller High School and at the Cincinnati Academy of Physical Education (C.A.P.E.).
ASAP~Athletic Strength And Power caught up with Coach Shibinski on a visit to his home fitness center/ gym. Be sure that if this "gym" wasn't in the basement of a home in a well manicured Cincinnati suburb, he could open up a training center here!
Today's podcast focuses on the accomplishments of this well known strength coach as well as taking a look into what it takes to establish a sound high school strength and speed program.
Click the ASAP Podcast logo above for the 16 minute podcast.
Mike Shibinski... a true Elder Panther!
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Copyright 2008 Athletic Strength And Power
blogpost and podcast by Ed Cicale
Lead in Music: "Somebody" Glenn Frey/ Joe Walsh, Eagles; The Long Road Out of Eden