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It's now time for the post season aspect of the Cincinnati Reds strength & conditioning program. The Reds' strength and conditioning supervisor, Matt Krause, has implemented a web-based off season program for the players which begins on November 3rd. Since a majority of the team heads home after the long season, players are scattered all over the country.... and some in Latin America. Therefore, the new technological spin can only serve as a clutch hit for the Reds.
Today's podcast is Part One of the in depth look into a Major League Baseball comprehensive off season program.
Matt Krause also serves on the Advisory Board for ASAP~Athletic Strength And Power as he is an excellent resource for baseball strength training and conditioning program design.
Just click on the ASAP Logo for today's podcast
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Copyright 2008 Athletic Strength And Power
blogpost and podcast by Ed Cicale
Lead in Music: "Somebody" Glenn Frey/ Joe Walsh, Eagles; The Long Road Out of Eden