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This video will be EXTREMELY HELPFUL to me
as I prepare for my
Junior Year on my college
Basketball team. I did some research on Mr. Bostic & found that we share the same position
power forward- he's really
in this video. That's what
coach tells me I need to do in the off season- build
up my arms so I can fend off the defenders. These
exercizes will do that &
Posted by: Tommy | March 25, 2010 at 08:22 PM
Dave Andrews really puts
STONE Bostic thru the paces
in this exercise video. All
steps in the workout are
methodically carried out
while being fully explained along the way.
More importantly these guys
work well together on
camera. THUMBS UP on this
end. I'm exercising right
Posted by: Thomas | March 26, 2010 at 11:46 AM