Cincinnati, Ohio: "The Meeting of the Tribes"
Clinic Date: June 17th & 18th 2011
conducted at:
The Clifton Cultural Arts Center
3711 Clifton Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45220
Former NFL Strength Coach, Kim Wood, will be directing "the best football strength training clinic....EVER. The one they'll talk about for years".
Kim Wood was one of the first strength coaches in the National Football League. Hired by the legendary Paul Brown, Coach Wood conducted the strength training program for the Cincinnati Bengals for 28 years. Two of the teams played in the Super Bowl...competing for the NFL's biggest prize. Kim had the opportunity to work with some of the game's finest players. Now, he's planning on paying forward... a strength clinic that will provide training information...real information....that coaches can truly use to improve their programs. This first of several clinics/ seminars planned is titled:
Football Strength Clinic #1
"The Legends"
Kim Wood, who created the world reknowned Hammer Strength machines, has assembled a speakers list:
Dan Riley... 30 year NFL Strength Coach. Mucho Super Bowls. Washington Redskins
Mike Gittleson: 30 years University of Michigan. Bo Schembechler's first and only strength coach
Dr. Ken Leistner.... strength training legend... "there at the beginning" a treasure house of strength training knowledge
John Wood: combat grip strength guru
Kim Wood
....and many other first tier speakers!
Information on how you can attend this clinic...please contact:
Kim Wood
C/O Football Strength Clinic
P.O. Box 20178
Cincinnati,Ohio 45220
Email: [email protected]
"....years ago, the NSCA invited Dan Riley to speak at their national clinic in Kansas City. It was a big move for the NSCA because they were concerned about having a "high intensity" strength coach at their big clinic. Anyway, Dan gave an awesome, high energy slide show and presentation of the Penn State Strength Program. People were stunned. At the conclusion of his talk, Danny made an interesting statement. He said, "I'm here to talk about strength training. Let's all get together tonight, roll up our sleeves and get to know each other...and talk about what we're here for....Strength Training".
There was an ice storm roaring outside and everyone was stranded at the hotel. Space wasn't provided there for all of the coaches....but 70-80 guys got together in an empty hallway and 'talked training' till after midnight. That's where I became friends with Mike Gittleson. It was the best clinic that I've ever been to. The upcoming clinic in June 2011 at Cincinnati follows the spirit of what Dan Riley triggered in K.C."
....Kim Wood
Past Kim Wood ASAP Podcasts Part One
Past Kim Wood ASAP Podcasts Part Two
Check here for information on Kim Wood's June 2011 Clinic
Posted by: ed cicale | January 11, 2011 at 08:18 PM