For Kim Wood, "The Quest Continues......" The former strength and conditioning coach of the Cincinnati Bengals refuses to quit. In fact, more than ever, his mission is to make sure the strength and conditioning field does not lose focus of its mission. In the '70s, he became a forerunner in the National Football League, establishing strength training and conditioning for football players. Bengals founder and head coach Paul Brown, who modernized professional football with a systematized philosophy, hired Wood in an effort to assure that other NFL teams did not beat him to the punch. In the '80s, Wood led by instilling a toughness character into his training program and the program worked. With Head Coach Forrest Gregg and later Sam Wyche, Kim Wood trained squads that made trips to two Super Bowls. Wood's feedback and methodology assisted strength-equipment industry mogul Arthur Jones (Nautilus) in strength equipment design. And, in the '90s Wood teamed with Paul Brown's son, Pete, and Arthur Jones' son, Gary, in another transformation of the strength training world...Hammer Strength machines.
Last summer, at his "Meeting of the Tribes" Clinic, Kim Wood sought to expose a weak link in the training of football players everywhere.... and that would be the vulnerable head and neck area. His goal was to get the message out to all those who train football players: Train The Neck!! Now!! Coaches from all over the U.S., with a sprinkling of international coaches, were in attendance. Professional coaches, major college coaches, high school. NFL Hall of Famer Anthony Munoz was there, too. As well as major news agencies like USA Today and Fox and ESPN.
The other mission he seeks to accomplish is an unofficial association of strength professional networking: Ideas being shared, philosophies, methods and techniques being exhanged. So, if you're an aspiring strength coach, you could have networked and been advised and had personal discussions with the brightest coaches in strength training. All under one roof. Interestingly, Wood uses no sponsors for the clinic, thus maintaining discussions without bias.
In this three segment podcast Kim and I discuss strength training, the MSU Clinic, head & neck training and the role of strength professionals. Yes...we also find out a little about what's in store for his "FOOTBALL STRENGTH CLINIC #2- The Quest Continues...."
Kim Wood Interview Feb 2012 part 1
Part Two
Part Three
Click on this weight plate for more pics from Kim Wood's Home & Gym:

ASAP Podcast Copyright 2012 Athletic Strength And Power
photos and podcast by Ed Cicale