We have just returned from another great strength training clinic trip. Finally, we headed south to Atlanta where the weather was unreal. And, it's always a treat to visit John Sisk and the Georgia Tech Ramblin' Wreck Training Center. Prior to the Friday night clinic start, I added a great high protein meal and a serious dining experience at Mary Macs Tea Room. After about a four mile walk, the southern cooking definitely hit the spot. From there, I was ready to relax and get some training pointers......but then, Clinic Director Lon Record introduced Speaker/clinician Rick Court of Mississippi State University. Relax mode was officially over. You've seen him, Brady Collins and Nick Savage in this ASAP MSU Segment & Video. Court explained in fine detail the methods and strategies of his MSU "Hail State" Bulldogs "atypical" training regimen. The fiery strength coach did not hold back and did an encore presentation during the Saturday Demonstration Segment of the clinic.
Overall, it was a very nice, well organized clinic with some very educating speakers.
Click the photo below for more pics from the clinic and the very impressive Georgia Institute of Technology, where one in every six graduates of the prestigious school are millionaires!
ASAP Video and Blogpost by Ed Cicale
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