He been referred to as a "live wire" and definitely loves his job to the fullest. ASAP~Athletic Strength And Power has known him since his G.A. days. Now, Head Strength Coach Rick Court directs the training program at one of the top college football programs in the country. We last saw Court down in Atlanta when he was a featured speaker at Coach John Sisk's Georgia Tech Strength Clinic. Rick will be the feature speaker at this year's FOOTBALL STRENGTH CLINIC and is sure to provide some pertinent and valuable information to help coaches at any level to prepare their players for the demanding game of football. DATE: June 26th/27th
This is the fifth annual clinic that is spearheaded by the former, and longtime, strength coach of the Cincinnati Bengals, Kim Wood. Along with Coach Court, Wood's clinic will also have plenty of other reputable and knowledgeable coaches as speakers.
Here's our last call podcast with information pertinent to the clinic.
The event, which draws from a national base, will take place on June 26th and 27th. The Friday evening session, 7:00pm--9:00pm, will include social networking opportunities with top colleagues and professionals in the strength and conditioning field. Adult beverages and snacks provided. The Saturday slate will commence at 9:00am (registration from 7am-9am).