Coach Brady Collins. He's the guy that Coach Fickell has entrusted to lead his Bearcats as the Director of Football Sports Performance. Once Fickell had landed from the short flight south of Columbus, Ohio, he summoned Collins for the task. Coach Collins has been well schooled for the assignment, as he spent a the entry level years at the University of Kentucky Wildcats with Ray "ROCK" Oliver and Ted Lambrinides. From there, he made his way south and deeper into SEC Football at Mississippi State at first with Matt Balis and then under Rick Court. Then it was on to Columbus and the Ohio State Buckeyes where he worked under Master Strength Coach Mickey Marotti. What a ton of great athletes and coaches whom Brady Collins has been around! Now, Brady Collins and his great young staff of Zach Higgins, Danny Folino, Jeremiah Ortiz and Dustin Tripp are preparing this 2020 COVID19-tested, #13 ranked @GoBearcatsFB for another journey at The University of Cincinnati! Good Luck Brady! This ASAP PODCAST is sponsored by SPECATHLETIC: The Flooring Professionals Podcast discussion points: In_Season Football Strength Training How things are getting "juiced up" in Cincinnati Some training ideas and tips from the trenches
This ASAP Podcast is sponsored by
SpecAthletic Sports Flooring