This is the first season in the past 16 years that I haven't been patrolling an NFL sideline holding people back in short sleeves haha! So what have I been doing with myself?
Well, besides coaching youth sports for our kids I WROTE A BOOK!!! It's been an incredibly rewarding process and I'm blessed to have so many people in my life who have supported me throughout it. Please see below for a link to purchase on Amazon. Attached is a brief overview of the book
Ted Rath
Download Ted Rath Book Release
If you're going to do the olympic lifts in your training program, do them the proper way! I can't tell you how many high schools that I have visited and saw athletes demonstrating how NOT to do them.
Strength & Conditioning Coach Ted Rath explains the necessary progressions for athletes who are incorporating olympic lifting movements. Sean Williamson demonstrates the progression movements.
Filmed on location at the Detroit Lions Football Complex and Strength Training Facility at Allen Park, Michigan by Ed Cicale; ASAP Athletic Strength And Power
"Building your facility from the ground up"
Download Ted Rath Book Release